Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Science of Grate Grilling Part 4

I got this message from a customer the other evening and it prompted me to share some tips and tricks using GrillGrates with the Classic Weber Kettle.

" GrillGrates are AMAZING!
I received GrillGrates for my new Weber kettle (I seem to have a 5 year cycle between gas and charcoal…) and we were just blown away by the difference in flavor. Our first run was with burgers, and the family voted them the best we’d ever made.
Nothing we’ve tried on them outside a pizza - that seemed cook just a big too fast - has been anything but outstanding."

Rob N.
April 6th 2010

I've developed some new grilling techniques for the Weber Kettle that I am prompted to share after hearing about Rob's pizza cooking a bit to hot and fast.
    • Use less charcoal and spread evenly after they are fully glowing
    • This keeps overall grill temps down and creates uniform heat
    • The GrillGrates provide superb protection allowing for DIRECT GRILLING at low temps
    • OR let the coals burn past glowing hot and grill on the downside of their burn.
The other evening I grilled boneless, skinless chicken breasts and corn on the cob using this technique. The chicken grilled for 30 minutes and the corn as well- which was fabulous
    • Pizza on GrillGrates is best at 400F or less so you can get at least 10 minutes on the grill which gives the toppings time to fully cook and melt without blackening the bottom of the crust.

The mighty Weber Kettle is even more versatile with GrillGrates!

Thanks for the feedback Rob.
GrillGrate, Eat Well!

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